Please help us bring joy to our most vulnerable patients.

Eileen, patient

Eileen, a patient on our Cavell Ward

Meet Dr Rebecca Sullivan, Consultant and Dementia Care Lead at Whittington Health, who explains why the Courtyard Garden is needed and the impact it will have on patients

Please give today and help us to transform hospital stays for our elderly and most vulnerable patients.

Whittington Hospital urgently needs a safe, accessible, and stimulating outdoor space. With your support, we will turn an unsafe, unused courtyard into a tranquil garden with plants, music, covered seating, soft flooring, games and exercise equipment.

It will be a sanctuary – a place for reflection, socialising and interacting with nature. Crucially, the area will be used for interacting with family and friends, which will have a huge impact on patients’ wellbeing. 

  • £25 could pay for a fruit tree seedling

  • £50 could pay for a set of lawn bowls

  • £100 could pay for an audio book library subscription for a year

  • £500 could pay for a sound system and instruments for music therapy sessions

This project can only happen through charitable donations. The most vulnerable patients will remain in hospital, with no access to the outdoors, for weeks and possibly months on end. Your donation will make the difference.

“As a Dementia Clinical Nurse Specialist, I know that for my patients, spending a long period of time in a hospital ward can increase their feelings of apathy, depression and agitation. Many stay on the ward for weeks, and even months. Christmas can be a particularly isolating and lonely time.”

Tess, Dementia Clinical Nurse Specialist